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Total Productive Maintenance

Total Productive Maintenance

Enabling Lean & JIT Through Equipment Reliability

This program introduces the basic practices and theory of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). It is a great introduction and kickoff. It lays the foundation for detailed planning and implementation.

The program includes many exercises and discussions that relate the material to the participant's specific situation. It helps them to visualize how TPM would work in their operation.

Program Summary

Format Onsite Workshop Online Who Should Attend?
Time 1-Day 1-2 Wks Maintenance Techs
Setup Specialists
Facility Planners
Production Supervisors
Cost $3600 (Includes Travel) $2600
Participants 5-30 5-20
Next Step Call us at 816-931-1414
TPM Poster=Banner

TPM In A Nutshell

(Click to Enlarge)

Participants Will Learn...

  • The How & Why of TPM.

  • How Reliability Theory helps with metrics and maintenance strategy.

  • How three simple numbers measure equipment performance.

  • How TPM reinforces other elements of Lean and vice versa.

  • Why the common Pillar model of TPM is insufficient.

  • How the dynamic effects of TPM bring accelerating performance.

  • People Issues In TPM and How To Resolve Them.

  • How to plan and execute a successful Implementation.

Program Outline

1.0 Introduction

What Is TPM

Six Pillars

Benefits of TPM

Origins of TPM

Case Study

2.0 Reliability Theory

Failure Modes

Maintenance Strategies

Metrics for TPM

Failure Rate - MTBF - MTTR - Availability

Reliability - Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

3.0 TPM & Other Lean Elements

Setup Reduction


Six Sigma/Total Quality Management (TQM)

Work/Problem-solving Teams


4.0 Structure & Pillars of TPM

Maintenance Training

Safety, Health & Environment

Equipment/Process Improvement

Autonomous Maintenance

Planned Maintenance

New Equipment Management

Process Quality

Predictive Maintenance

5.0 The Dynamics of TPM

Dynamic Interactions in TPM.

Interactions Between TPM & Lean

6.0 People Issues

The Super Hero Mentality

Enlisting Operators

Team Development

7.0 Implementation

Selecting TPM Elements

Setting Priorities

Developing Tasks & Schedule

Basic PM

The first step & first priority.

New Equipment Management

New equipment

Effective management of new equipment helped this new steel foundry startup with

Improving Equipment  

Improving Old Equipment

This 10-ton crane was originally built in 1921. An overhaul and new controls extended its life into the 21st century.


Chart shows results of TPM on Failure Rate of 40-ton crane.

Maintenance Iceberg

The danger is in the cost you cannot see.

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PUB FEB 2016