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Team Building for Peak Performance

Team Building for Peak Performance

Skills for Team Members

In this active workshop team members learn and practice the technical and interpersonal skills necessary for peak performance. These skills such as coaching, conflict management and facilitating are learned and not innate. 

The workshop shapes the background behaviors that bring Workcells, Process Improvement, SMED and many other aspects of Lean Manufacturing to full fruition. Teams normally receive this training within a few days of their initial formation. 

Program Summary


Live Onsite

Who Should Attend?
Time 1-Day Team Members
Potential Team Members
Support Personnel
Cost $3400 (Includes Travel)
Participants 5-30
Next Step Call us at 816-931-1414

Stages of Team Development

Participants Will Learn...

  • Why teams outperform individuals for many tasks.

  • The dynamics of team building and motivation.

  • What teams need from management and team members.

  • About the four stages of team development: Forming, Storming, Norming & Performing.

  • The key role of Emotional Intelligence & how to improve it.

  • How to write a charter that guides a team in difficult times.

  • How to listen and communicate effectively.

  • How to deal with Team-Subverting Behaviors.

  • Coping with conflict in ways that strengthen teamwork.

  • What to do when disruptive behavior threatens cohesion.

  • How to facilitate effectively and keep the team on track.

  • How to organize meetings that accomplish goals.

  • How to measure performance and achieve goals.

Program Outline

1. Introduction

Why Teams

Boxed In Exercise

Types of Teams

2. Developing Successful Teams

Team Responsibilities

What's Needed For Success

Stages of Development

The Team Charter

3. Emotional Intelligence

What Is Emotional Intelligence

E-I Assessment (Exercise)

4. Contributing As A Member

Modes of Communication

Effective Listening

Roles of The Members

Team Building & Subverting Behaviors

5. Your Turn As Facilitator

Roles of The Facilitator

Facilitating Exercise

6. Meetings Bloody Meetings


Agendas, Minutes, Notices

Conducting The Meeting

7. Coping With Conflict

Preventing & Resolving Conflict

Giving & Receiving Feedback

How To Handle Disruptive Behavior

8. Getting The Work Done

Skill Matrices

Setting Priorities

9. Keeping Score

Metrics For Teams

The Scoreboard

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PUB FEB 2016