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Onsite Workshop-Lean Manufacturing Orientation

Lean Manufacturing Orientation

For The Shop

This workshop and simulation game is the perfect initial orientation for workers moving to Lean Manufacturing. In it, participants operate Lego blocks. They redesign their factory in stages, measure the results and learn underlying principles. 

The program includes lecture, video and a lean simulation. The simulation is carefully designed in clear stages to show the effects of each element. A rigorous debriefing ensures that participants internalize the principles. This debriefing includes morale and psychological issues as well as the technical aspects of lean.

Format Live Onsite Who Should Attend
Time 1/2-Day (2 Sessions)

All Employees

Cost $3000 (Includes Travel)
Participants 8-25 (Each Session)
Next Step Call us at 816-931-1414

Participants Will Learn...

  • How each core discipline eliminates waste.

  • Why inventory plays such a central role.

  • How cellular manufacturing results in less handling, faster throughput, higher productivity and better quality

  • Why One-Piece Flow is advantageous. 

  • Why fast, predictable setups (SMED) smooth production and reduce inventory. 

  • How to use Kanban.

  • About their own role in the transformation.

Program Outline

1. What Is Lean Manufacturing?

Value & Waste

The Seven Wastes

Lean Timeline

3. Simulation: 

Functional Layout

Improved Layout

Using Kanban


4. Debriefing the Simulation

Review Performance Metrics

Emotions &Attitudes

What Happened?

4. Core Elements of Lean Mfg

Cellular Manufacturing -- Rapid Setup

Pull & Synchronous Scheduling

Six Sigma --  Work Teams

5. Video-The Human Side of Lean

6. Your Part In Lean

Orientation for Factory workers

Brian Rhodes, Strategos Trainer, briefs for the simulation.

Lean Simulation

Lean Simulation

A production team prepares for the Lean version of the simulation.

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The Strategos Guide To Value Stream and Process Mapping goes  beyond symbols and arrows. In over 163 pages it tells the reader how to do it and what to do with it.

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PUB FEB 2016