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Seminar—A3 Problem Solving & Root Cause Analysis

A3 Problem Solving & Root Cause Analysis

How To Solve Problems & Improve Processes

A3 Problem Solving is a methodology for addressing a wide variety of problems. It is especially effective for those difficult, recurring problems that never seem to really get resolved. It is an important component of TQM, Six Sigma and Statistical Process Control. This program gives participants the team skills and problem solving skills to identify and eliminate root causes.

This high-energy seminar is crammed with challenges and exercises. As part of a team, participants solve such mysteries as The Case of The Tasteless Coffee where causative factors hide behind misinformation, intermediate causes and sloppy thinking. 

As part of the program, the learning teams select and address a specific problem or process from their own organization, work out solutions and present them to management. The exercise brings immediate benefits to the organization, instills pride and helps participants transition from theory to practice.

Program Summary

Format Onsite Online Who Should Attend?
Time 2-Day 2-4 Wks All Employees
Cost $5700 (Includes Travel) $4700
Participants 5-40 5-20
Next Step Call us at 816-931-1414

Participants Will Learn...

  • What is a problem?

  • The definition may surprise you!

  • How to define and specify your problem accurately.

  • Why problems persist

  • How to identify the Root Cause that eliminates the problem forever.

  • Why teams are better at Root Cause Analysis.

  • How to avoid wasting time and hold meetings that get results.

  • Doing things right is important. Doing the right things even more so.

  • Here's how to guide your team towards problems with impact.

  • About Seven Information Gathering Tools to get the right information in the right way.

  • Brainstorming as a team by following five simple rules.

  • How many solutions might solve the problem but which is best?

  • Learn three effective methods for decision making.Emergencies require fast action.

  • Learn about three types of action in a crises.

  • How to implement solutions quickly and effectively.

  • See how these techniques work together in The Case of The Dreary Dog Food.

  • How to put new skills to work solving realistic case problems on your own team project.

Program Outline

1.0 RCA-- A Systems View

What is a "Problem?"

What is A Root Cause?

The Problem Solving Procedure

Why Problems Persist

2.0 The A3 Procedure

Problem Solving Cycle

The A3 Summary

Relation to Six Sigma, TQM & SPC

3.0 The Power of Teams

Modes of Communication

Listening Behaviors

Team Building & Subverting Behaviors

Roles of The Facilitator

Holding An Effective Meeting

How To Resolve Conflict

4.0 Define The Problem

Developing Your Problem Statement

Refining The Problem Specification

Smart Questioning

5.0 Analyze Information

Forms & Checklists

Statistical Sampling

Process Charts & Fishbone Diagrams

Building A Burger (Exercise)

Using Line, Scatter, Bar, & Pie Charts

6.0 Basics of Statistical Process Control

What is SPC?

The Normal Curve & Histograms

Control Charts

Is the Process in Control?

Statistical Sampling

7.0 Identify The Root Cause

Fishbone Diagrams

Is/Is-Not Analysis

The Case Of The Tasteless Coffee (Exercise)

8.0 Search For Solutions


The Columbo Approach

Building A Burger Better (Exercise)

9.0 Identify The Best Solution

Cost-Benefit Analysis

PNI Analysis

Weighted Factor Evaluation

10.0 Take Action

Three Types of Action

Planning The Implementation

Presenting Your Proposal

11.0 Into Practice

Valley Extruded Products (Case Study)

12 Team Projects

Problem-Solving Procedure

Process Charting

One team's process chart helped define the process and identify undue complexity and waste.

Pareto Charts

Fishbone Diagrams

This group resolved a significant safety problem for their company.

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